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UK Equine Initiative unveils new Web site

UK Equine Initiative unveils new Web site

UK Equine Initiative unveils new Web site

Published on Sep. 26, 2008

The University of Kentucky's Equine Initiative unveiled a new Web site this month. The updated website launch coincides with the start of the fall semester and reflects the tremendous progress that's been made in equine programs since the Equine Initiative was announced in the spring of 2005.

The site,, features updated information about UK's equine programs, including course information about its new undergraduate major and information about facilities currently under construction or in the planning process on its research farm. Additionally, site visitors can find information about UK equine faculty, current equine research, youth and adult outreach programs and student horse clubs and teams. The updated site also includes the latest equine news and announcements from UK, a monthly student newsletter and an updated calendar of events. Visitors will also find a central place to view documents about nutrition, pasture and forage information, pest control and general horse health.

The Equine Initiative, an overarching framework for all things equine at UK, is a cross-departmental and cross-disciplinary approach within the College of Agriculture resulting in enhancements to existing equine programs and the formation of new equine areas of emphasis.

As part of the Equine Initiative, UK has created a new equine-based undergraduate curriculum, enhanced and created equine research programs, expanded and created outreach programs to address equine issues of interest and established new partnerships with other equine organizations and universities.

The mission of the Equine Initiative is to discover, share and apply new knowledge that will enhance the health, performance and management of horses commensurate with the signature status of Kentucky's equine industry.

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